Issue 1 - Summer 2016

Sustainability is at the core of the TomKat Ranch and influences everything it does, from planting trees to feeding its prize cattle. As a working farm, TomKat sees it as part of its mission to maintain the health of the ecosystems that allow it to function. 

By demonstrating and sharing the benefits of sustainable land practices, the ambition is to create a wider understanding and adoption of this holistic approach to agro farming. In this context, TomKat used the Cocoon to plant trees to sequester carbon, support water management, and improve soil health on the ranch.

This particular planting was performed in conjunction with Point Blue Conservation Science’s STRAW program (Students and Teachers Restoring A Watershed), which brings students to help with the plantings and also turns the ranch into a classroom. As the students planted 150 trees, they also learned about sustainable ecosystem revitalization and had a fun day on the farm in the process! 

Our student groups loved the Cocoon! They were geeking out over the science and new approach to planting trees.
— Jenni Benson, Point Blue Conservation Science
Our mission is to provide healthy food on working lands in a way that sustains the planet and inspires others to action.
— TomKat Ranch